
10 August, 2023

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When to use Angular as Front-End used?

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is often used for front-end web development. There are several situations where Angular may be a good choice for building the front-end of a web application:

  1. Large-scale applications: Angular is a good choice for building large-scale applications with complex UIs. It provides a lot of built-in functionality, which can simplify the development process and improve performance.
  2. Two-way data binding: Angular uses two-way data binding, which allows changes in the model to automatically update the view and vice versa. This can simplify the development process and improve the user experience.
  3. MVC architecture: Angular follows a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which can improve the maintainability of the code and make it easier to manage complex applications.
  4. Typescript support: Angular is built using Typescript, which is a statically-typed superset of JavaScript. This can make it easier to write and maintain complex code and can improve the scalability of the application.
  5. Google support: Angular is developed and supported by Google, which means that it has a large and active developer community and a lot of resources available for learning and troubleshooting.

In summary, Angular is a good choice for frontend web development in situations where large-scale applications with complex UIs are being built, two-way data binding is desired, MVC architecture is important, Typescript support is needed, or where the backing of a large and active developer community is desired.

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